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A Year Filled with Hope: What The Last Twelve Months Brought for My Daughter and The Rett Community
December is a time for reflection. And as I look back over the past twelve months, I feel like celebrating a time unlike any other in the...

Diverse Disability Communities and Their Differing Worldviews
The world of disabilities is often held up as an example of diversity, but sometimes I wonder how often the people citing this example...

Government Support: Families Receiving Help for Their Special Needs Children
I don’t believe in making my blog a political site. I want all people with all views to feel welcome here. However, government...

My List of Hopeful Things: Part III
I have chosen to release my list of hopeful things in several installments. The first and second parts describe the positive...

Hope: Waiting for A Cure for Rett Syndrome
Before I had JJ, I never thought much about hope—at least not in any profound way. To me, it was just another verb to slip into...

Intelligence: The Ways in Which People Measure and View My Daughter's Cognitive Abilities
When we found out my youngest daughter, JJ, has Rett Syndrome, the genetic counselor who helped deliver the news told me that the...
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